[mou] bird flu, birds and birders

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 23:09:06 -0600

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The assumption that migratory birds are spreading the H5N1 virus is the =
conventional wisdom, but far from proven.  Other mechanisms are more =
likely, including:


-         Regional and international trade in live poultry

-         Export of fertilizer and feed containing poultry manure and =
body parts

-         Trade in caged birds


International trade in live poultry (mature birds, day-old hatchlings, =
and hatching eggs) is mind-boggling in its magnitude.  And the poultry =
industry has solved its manure problem by selling it for fertilizer, =
which is distributed internationally and spread on agricultural fields =
and fish farms and ponds.  Manure and body parts are even mixed into =
poultry feed (reminds one of mad cow disease).


I first learned of this stuff a couple of days ago from a German =
ornithologists' e-mail list that I monitor.  One German ornithologist, =
recently returned from consultations with Asian ornithologists, is =
convinced that the virus is not being spread by wild birds.  He points =
out that countries that have strict poultry import regulations, such as =
South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Australia, have had no outbreaks of =
bird flu even though large numbers of birds migrate there from countries =
with outbreaks.  For example, more than a million waterfowl from China =
and Siberia overwinter in South Korea.  Furthermore, with the exception =
of one outbreak in China, the pattern of outbreaks does not correspond =
to patterns of bird migration.


It is thought that a highly pathogenic virus is much better suited for =
survival in mass poultry factories than among wild birds.  In the wild, =
it is likely that the infected birds die quickly without traveling great =
distances, and the virus then dies out also.


The statement of Bird Life International at =
http://www.birdlife.org/action/science/species/avian_flu/index.html =
makes these same points, although it begins by stating that migratory =
birds can transport the virus over long distances.  Be sure to read all =
the way to the end, however, where four possible scenarios for =
transmission of H5N1 by migratory birds are described.  The conclusion =
is that most of the observed outbreaks have other causes.


Julian Sellers

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Peder Svingen=20
  To: MOU-net=20
  Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 2:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [mou] bird flu, birds and birders

  The Ornithological Societies of North America home page provides a =
Fact Sheet and links to sites with information on Avian Influenza at


  Peder H. Svingen
  Duluth, MN

  Begin forwarded message:

    From: bluebill@surfbest.net
    Date: March 4, 2006 1:06:00 PM CST
    To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu, mnbird@lists.mnbird.net
    Cc: jharincar@hotmail.com, ccerhart@hotmail.com, =
    Subject: [mou] bird flu, birds and birders

    This summer, on the arctic breeding areas where Asian species mingle
    with American birds, more American birds will certainly become
    infected with, and spread, the avian flu that is has made its way to
    much of the other hemisphere, and has already been noted here.

    While much of the information in the media focuses on the flu and =
    anticipated mutation making it highly infectuous to humans, I have
    been wondering about its effects on birds and birders.

    In any population of wild birds, what percent will be infected, and
    what percent of these will die? Will we be seeing (or are we already
    seeing) decreases in the populations of birds because of this flu. =
    the magnitude known or been the subject of learned speculation? Will
    some infected birds recover without obvious ill effects?

    Is it like West Nile in that some species seem to be more =
    than others (if this is really true for West Nile)?

    Will eagles, hawks, gulls and vultures that consume dead and dying
    birds experience significant population drops because of this virus?
    It is said to be transmissible in humans by the consumption of dead
    birds. On the other hand, I have read that cooking the meat kills =

    Do the federal or state agencies have any plans in place to remove
    obvious concentrations of infected birds? What should lay people do
    who observe dead and dying birds, whether in large concentrations of
    small groups?

    Will waterfowl and upland game hunters and researchers be infected =
    handling and eating infected birds? Is there any way to tell if a
    bird is infectuous, or do the birds die rapidly after the virus is
    active (it seems apparent that this is not true, based on the global
    spread of the organism by migrating and wondering birds.)

    Are birds that consume other birds the most likely to get this =
    or does it spread from bird to bird through the air, and through
    fecal contamination.=20

    Birders-- are we at increased risk because we are exposed to fecal
    matter by proximity to concentrated birds at our feeders? Are we at
    increased risk by the fecal dust that is in the nest material we
    remove from houses on our bluebird trails and in our yards?

    It is clear that there is much to learn about this virus, at least
    for me, to know about what steps to take to prevent its spread and
    human infection.=20

    Sorry for the length of this. But I think many are interested and we
    need to learn more about what's coming and what to do about it.

    Don Grussing
    Minnetonka, Minn.

    mou-net mailing list

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">The&nbsp;assumption =
migratory birds are spreading the H5N1 virus is the conventional wisdom, =
but far=20
from proven.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Other=20
mechanisms&nbsp;are more likely, including:</P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><?xml:namespace =
prefix =3D o ns =3D=20
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal=20
style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; mso-list: l0 =
level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in"><SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-list: Ignore">-<SPAN=20
style=3D"FONT: 7pt 'Times New =
</SPAN></SPAN>Regional and international trade in live poultry</P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal=20
style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; mso-list: l0 =
level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in"><SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-list: Ignore">-<SPAN=20
style=3D"FONT: 7pt 'Times New =
</SPAN></SPAN>Export of fertilizer and feed containing poultry manure =
and body=20
<P class=3DMsoNormal=20
style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; mso-list: l0 =
level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in"><SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-list: Ignore">-<SPAN=20
style=3D"FONT: 7pt 'Times New =
</SPAN></SPAN>Trade in caged birds</P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">International trade =
in live=20
poultry (mature birds, day-old hatchlings, and hatching eggs) is =
in its magnitude.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>And the =
industry has solved its manure problem by selling it for fertilizer, =
which is=20
distributed internationally and spread on agricultural fields and fish =
farms and=20
ponds.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Manure and body =
parts are=20
even mixed into poultry feed (reminds one of mad cow disease).</P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I first learned of =
this stuff a=20
couple of days ago from a German ornithologists' e-mail list that I=20
monitor.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>One German =
recently returned from consultations with Asian ornithologists, is =
that the virus is not being spread by wild birds.<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>He points out that countries =
that have=20
strict poultry import regulations, such as <?xml:namespace prefix =3D =
st1 ns =3D=20
/><st1:country-region><st1:place>South =
, have=20
had no outbreaks of bird flu even though large numbers of birds migrate =
from countries with outbreaks.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; =
example, more than a million waterfowl from=20
<st1:country-region><st1:place>China</st1:place></st1:country-region> =
<st1:place>Siberia</st1:place> overwinter in=20
Korea</st1:place></st1:country-region>.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
</SPAN>Furthermore, with the exception of one outbreak in=20
<st1:country-region><st1:place>China</st1:place></st1:country-region>, =
pattern of outbreaks does not correspond to patterns of bird =
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">It is thought that a =
pathogenic virus is much better suited for survival in mass poultry =
than among wild birds.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>In =
the wild,=20
it is likely that the infected birds die quickly without traveling great =

distances, and the virus then dies out also.</P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">The statement of Bird =
International at <A=20
makes these same points, although it begins by stating that migratory =
birds can=20
transport the virus over long distances.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
</SPAN>Be sure to read all the way to the end, however, where four =
scenarios for transmission of H5N1 by migratory birds are =
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>The conclusion is that most of =
observed outbreaks have other causes.</P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Julian=20
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
  style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
  <A title=3Dpsvingen@d.umn.edu href=3D"mailto:psvingen@d.umn.edu">Peder =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A =
  href=3D"mailto:mou-net@cbs.umn.edu">MOU-net</A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Sunday, March 05, 2006 =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: [mou] bird flu, =
birds and=20
  <DIV><BR></DIV>The Ornithological Societies of North America home page =

  provides a Fact Sheet and links to sites with information on Avian =
  H. Svingen<BR>Duluth, MN<BR><BR>Begin forwarded message:<BR><BR>
  <BLOCKQUOTE><B><?color><?param 0000,0000,0000>From: <?/color></B><A=20
olor><?param 0000,0000,0000>Date:=20
<?/color></B>March 4, 2006 1:06:00 PM CST<BR><B><?color><?param =
0000,0000,0000>To: <?/color></B><A=20
    mnbird@lists.mnbird.net<BR><B><?color><?param 0000,0000,0000>Cc:=20
    <?/color></B>jharincar@hotmail.com, ccerhart@hotmail.com,=20
    posel1967@comcast.net<BR><B><?color><?param 0000,0000,0000>Subject: =
<?/color>[mou] bird flu, birds and birders<BR></B><BR>This summer, on =
    arctic breeding areas where Asian species mingle<BR>with American =
    more American birds will certainly become<BR>infected with, and =
spread, the=20
    avian flu that is has made its way to<BR>much of the other =
hemisphere, and=20
    has already been noted here.<BR><BR>While much of the information in =
    media focuses on the flu and its<BR>anticipated mutation making it =
    infectuous to humans, I have<BR>been wondering about its effects on =
    and birders.<BR><BR>In any population of wild birds, what percent =
will be=20
    infected, and<BR>what percent of these will die? Will we be seeing =
(or are=20
    we already<BR>seeing) decreases in the populations of birds because =
of this=20
    flu. Is<BR>the magnitude known or been the subject of learned =
    Will<BR>some infected birds recover without obvious ill =
    it like West Nile in that some species seem to be more =
    others (if this is really true for West Nile)?<BR><BR>Will eagles, =
    gulls and vultures that consume dead and dying<BR>birds experience=20
    significant population drops because of this virus?<BR>It is said to =
    transmissible in humans by the consumption of dead<BR>birds. On the =
    hand, I have read that cooking the meat kills =
the<BR>virus.<BR><BR>Do the=20
    federal or state agencies have any plans in place to =
    concentrations of infected birds? What should lay people do<BR>who =
    dead and dying birds, whether in large concentrations of<BR>small=20
    groups?<BR><BR>Will waterfowl and upland game hunters and =
researchers be=20
    infected by<BR>handling and eating infected birds? Is there any way =
to tell=20
    if a<BR>bird is infectuous, or do the birds die rapidly after the =
    is<BR>active (it seems apparent that this is not true, based on the=20
    global<BR>spread of the organism by migrating and wondering=20
    birds.)<BR><BR>Are birds that consume other birds the most likely to =
    this virus,<BR>or does it spread from bird to bird through the air, =
    through<BR>fecal contamination. <BR><BR>Birders-- are we at =
increased risk=20
    because we are exposed to fecal<BR>matter by proximity to =
concentrated birds=20
    at our feeders? Are we at<BR>increased risk by the fecal dust that =
is in the=20
    nest material we<BR>remove from houses on our bluebird trails and in =
    yards?<BR><BR>It is clear that there is much to learn about this =
virus, at=20
    least<BR>for me, to know about what steps to take to prevent its =
    and<BR>human infection. <BR><BR>Sorry for the length of this. But I =
    many are interested and we<BR>need to learn more about what's coming =
    what to do about it.<BR><BR>Don Grussing<BR>Minnetonka,=20
