[mou] Posting sugestioms (no birds )

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:20:05 -0600

With migration picking up and the increase in postings,there are a few 
courtesies we can follow that will save time and frustration.
Remember, there are  beginning birders on the list.
1.Bird name and locality(county) in subject line
2.The first time you use initials or an abbreviation in a message,spell 
it out.We all don't know the initials of every organization or  Wildlife 
Management Area
3.Don't use the four letter banding codes. While some are easy to 
decipher,others are confusing.
4.While many on the list know where Pietz's Road is (Aitkin County)  or 
could even give directions to the Paton's feeder (Patagonia,Arizona) 
please remember the beginning birders and those who do not know 
Minnesota geography very well.
Manley Olson
Falcon Heights,Ramsey County