[mou] Miss. R., Pool 8,LaCrosse/LaCrescent---Genoa, Wi/Reno,MN

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:42:52 -0800 (PST)

Pool 8 is still ice-covered west of the main channel.
>From Minnesota, the following species were seen from
Hwy 26 & Hillside Rd.:

Great Blue Heron--flying east into Wis.
Canada Goose
Wood Duck---Hwy 26 deck & Wildcat Creek delta
No. Shoveler----Wildcat Creek delta, Brownsville, MN
Green-w. Teal---          "
Bufflehead   ---    Dike 8, Reno
Com. Merganser---Hwy 26 deck
Hooded Merg.--------"
Bald Eagles
Ring-b. Gulls---Black River, south of I90
Herring   "              "
Tufted Titmouse--- Hillside Rd., Reno, Houston Co. MN
Horned Lark-------                 "
Brown Creeper-----                 "
E. Bluebird-------                 "       2
Am. Robin---------                 "       2

On the north edge of LaCrosse on the Black River,
Richmond Bay, & French Slough from French Island south
of I90 and north of Clinton St., 15-20 Bald Eagles are
hanging out on the ice.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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