[mou] 400+ Greater White-Fronted Geese, 3 Ross's Geese - Lake Byllesby, Dakota/Goodhue

Doug Kieser DKieser@CLYNCH.COM
Sat, 11 Mar 2006 15:33:34 -0600

Waterfowl migration was very evident today at Lake Byllesby.  When I
arrived at 11:00 am, there were 2 Greater White-Fronted Geese on the
mudflats, with another 120 overhead.  Flocks continued to arrive over
the next 2 hours, when I left at 1:15 there were nearly 400 on the
mudflats.  Shortly after leaving Jim Otto called to tell me 3 Ross's
Geese had just flown in, so I returned.  6 Snow Geese were also present
for comparison, the Ross's stubby bluish-based bill lacking a grinning
patch was easily observed.  In this short time another 100 Greater-White
Fronted Geese arrived, pushing their total to well over 400.
Also present were 25 Cackling Geese, and several hundred Canada Geese.
3 flocks of Snow Geese totalling 300 birds flew over without joining the
Ducks present included Greater and Lesser Scaup, Ring-Necked Duck,
Redhead, Canvasback, Mallard, American Black Duck, Green-Winged Teal,
Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Gadwall, Common
Merganser, Hooded Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead.
Other new arrivals included Killdeer, Song Sparrow.

Doug Kieser