[mou] Bohemian Waxwings-Mille Lacs Cty

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sat, 11 Mar 2006 19:21:55 -0600

Found a few Bohemian Waxwings in the town of Milaca this PM. They were in
the southwest part of town mixed with a large robin flock and some Cedar
Waxwings, feeding on crab apples.  At least some of the Bohemians were still
in Mora (Kanabec Cty) near the courthouse on the west side of town.

There was a significant movement of raptors north earlier today.  Late
morning I spent about a hour sitting on 421st Ave NW, astride the
Isanti/Kanabec County line, west of county road 27.  This is on the north
side of the very large Dalbo WMA.  In that time I had 25 Bald Eagles, one
adult Golden Eagle, a half dozen Northern Harriers,  3 rough-legs, and an
uncounted number of Red-tailed Hawks move through.  All were moving north
rather rapidly.

At the same time through my scope I watched two hunters about three/quarters
mile away hunting pheasants.  Which by the way there is no hunting season on
at this time.  When I left my spot they saw me and moved back to their truck
rather quickly.  After I drove past them on my way out of the area they got
in their truck and left quickly by the other way out.

Dennis Martin