[mou] New arrivals at my house in far NE Wright County...

Chris Fagyal cfagyal@avianphotos.org
Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:11:28 -0600

Haven't been out birding much at all this year, but in the last few days 
I've had the following show up at my home in Otsego:

Red-winged Blackbirds (several more to join the one that overwintered in 
my yard)
Song Sparrows (2 weeks earlier than they showed up in my yard last 
year.  This year: 3/12, last year: 3/30)
House Finches (They don't seem to winter in my yard...but they arrived 
yesterday, paired up)
Mourning Dove (1 flew by this morning)
American Tree Sparrows (They disappeared for a while, but returned in 
numbers yesterday)

No flyovers of Greater White-fronted Geese yet, but hundreds of Canada 
Geese flew over yesterday...

Chris Fagyal
Wright County.