[mou] [Fwd: [wisb] Passing of a legend ART HAWKINS]

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Mon, 13 Mar 2006 09:26:20 -0600

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This tribute to Art Hawkins,long-time birder and conservationist,is from 
the Wisconsin bird website. The was also an article and picture in the 
Star Tribune yesterday.There will be a private,family service.
Manley Olson

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Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:20:45 -0600
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Folks, we lost a great one on Thursday. Art Hawkins passed away at the =
age of 92. Art was a pioneer in the world of waterfowl research and =
ecology.Art with Frank Belrose invented the wood duck box. Art also came =
up with the waterfowl transect, a method of determining waterfowl =
populations of which many other bird surveys were spun off of.
Hawkins, studied under the great Aldo Leopold and has done work at =
Faville grove in Jefferson county.=20
 Art Hawkins was one of the  founders of the Wood Duck Society. Started =
in 1984  Wood Duck Society works to promote sound management of wood =
duck populations and associated habitats required for their reproduction =
and survival.  It was through the Wood Duck  Society that I knew Art.  =
Art was a fixture there. His walking stick in hand  waving, smiling and =
shaking hands with old friends and new "wood duckers".I attended the =
meeting just about every year. Just last Saturday I attended the annual =
meeting.I spoke with Art about Horicon marsh ( he wanted to know how =
things were going there) I mentioned I had seen a picture of him back in =
his days of working with Aldo Leopold saving some lady slippers from a =
spot that was to be plowed. The photo showed Art carrying the plants on =
a old door.
 "yup I put them in the Northwest corner, you can't see them from the =
road you might have to across the ditch to see them"said Hawkins, nearly =
70 years later and he knew where he put those plants.We talked about old =
co- workers of his and to say Hi to them. Needless to say Art was as =
sharp as a tack until his dying day. Found with rubber boots on and =
field glasses around his neck by his ponds in Hugo MN. He had been =
watching the ducks and geese return. The ducks and geese that he had =
helped for so many years and still was his passion. The man lived a full =
life and had done something for the world. We ALL should be so lucky. =
Art left behind a wife of 64 years and a daughter who is working with =
the Aldo Leopold foundation.    =20
The family asked that memorials go to the Leopold Foundation in Baraboo, =
WI or to the Madison Audubon Society, Faville Prairie restoration. It =
was only fitting that I was working on some wood duck photos when I =
learned the news of Art's passing. One of my cherished possessions is a =
copy of "Ecology and Management Of the Wood Duck" a book written by =
Frank Belrose dedicated to Art Hawkins. Art signed the book for me.=20

Respectfully submitted=20

Jeff Bahls
Lowell Wi
Dodge County

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Folks, we lost a great one on Thursday. =
Art Hawkins=20
passed away at the age of 92. Art was a pioneer in the world of =
research and ecology.Art with Frank Belrose invented the wood duck box. =
Art also=20
came up with the waterfowl transect, a method of determining waterfowl=20
populations of which many other bird surveys were spun off =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hawkins,&nbsp;studied under the great =
Aldo Leopold=20
and has done work at Faville grove in Jefferson =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>&nbsp;Art Hawkins was one of the&nbsp; =
founders of=20
the Wood Duck Society. Started in 1984&nbsp;&nbsp;Wood Duck Society =
works to=20
promote sound management of wood duck populations and associated =
required for their reproduction and survival.&nbsp;&nbsp;It was through =
the Wood=20
Duck&nbsp; Society that I knew Art.&nbsp; Art was a fixture there. His =
stick in hand&nbsp; waving, smiling and shaking hands with old friends =
and new=20
"wood duckers".I attended the meeting just about every year. Just last =
I attended the annual meeting.I spoke with Art about Horicon marsh ( he =
to know how things were going there) I mentioned I had seen a picture of =
back in his days of working with Aldo Leopold saving some lady slippers =
from a=20
spot that was to be plowed. The photo showed Art carrying the plants on =
a old=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>&nbsp;"yup I put them in the Northwest =
corner, you=20
can't see them from the road you&nbsp;might have to across the ditch to =
them"said Hawkins,&nbsp;nearly 70 years later&nbsp;and he knew where he =
those plants.We talked about old co- workers of his&nbsp;and to say Hi =
to them.=20
Needless to say Art was as sharp as a tack until his dying day. Found =
rubber boots on and field glasses around his&nbsp;neck&nbsp;by his =
Hugo MN. He had been watching the ducks and geese return. The ducks and =
that he had helped for so many years and still was his passion. The man =
lived a=20
full life and had done something for the&nbsp;world. We ALL should be so =
Art left behind a wife of 64 years and a daughter who is working with =
the Aldo=20
Leopold foundation.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT>
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The family asked that memorials go to the =
Foundation in Baraboo, WI or to the Madison Audubon Society, Faville=20
Prairie&nbsp;restoration. It was only fitting that I was working on some =
duck photos when I learned the news of Art's passing. One of my =
possessions is a copy of "Ecology and Management Of the Wood Duck" a =
written by Frank Belrose dedicated to Art Hawkins. Art signed the book =
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Respectfully submitted&nbsp;</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Jeff Bahls<BR>Lowell Wi<BR>Dodge =
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</P></DIV></BODY></HTML>

