[mou] Dilemma solved

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 13:27:53 EST

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Hello everyone,
I just wanted to email and thank you all for your advice on what to do. We  
decided to bring it to the shelter; so we went out and caught it in a sheet and 
 put it in a box to bring it there. And thank you Beth for the detailed 
account  of what we should do. It helped. The bird was okay all the way to the 
center and  we gave it to them. They said if we email them back in a couple of 
days they'll  tell us how the bird is. The center was a very nice place, we were  
So, thanks again for all the help, it was great, we really appreciated  it!
-Leo WM

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<DIV>Hello everyone,</DIV>
<DIV>I just wanted to email and thank you all for your advice on what to do.=
decided to bring it to the shelter; so we went out and caught it in a sheet=20=
put it in a box to bring it there. And thank you Beth for the detailed accou=
of what we should do. It helped. The bird was okay all the way to the center=
we gave it to them. They said if we email them back in a couple of days they=
tell us how&nbsp;the bird&nbsp;is. The center was a very nice place, we were=
<DIV>So, thanks again for all the help, it was great, we really appreciated=20
