[mou] Owl Symposium, Sax-Zim, and spring along the river

Derek Bakken spottedtowhee@gmail.com
Wed, 22 Mar 2006 01:25:39 -0600

Hello All,

I went up to Duluth over the past weekend for the Owl Symposium and had 
a great time.

I want to congratulate everyone who helped with the Owl Symposium.  I 
learned more about northern owls and the irruption than I needed to 
know but I enjoyed every minute of it.  I have a new respect for Snowy 

Of course, my weekend would not be complete without some time spent 
birding.  I birded Sax-Zim, Aitkin County, and the north shore up to 
Two Harbors.  I saw a lot of birds and quite a few "lifers" but I did 
not see any owls.  Zero.  Oh well, I can save the thrill of my first 
northern owl for next year.

Some hightlights:

- The weather - mid 30's and lots of sun
- Northern Shrike (3/19) Just north of Duluth on Old North Shore Road
- Northern Harrier (3/20) Beautiful female Harrier hunting the fields 
along county road 7, just south of Stone Lake Road in the Sax-Zim bog 
- Rough-legged Hawks (everyday) They were a lot of fun to watch hunting 
the fields
- Black-billed Magpies (4) (3/17) Flew over my car while I was driving 
on county road 52 (Arkola Road) just east of county road 7 (exactly 
where Mike Hendrickson's map says they should be)
- Ravens everywhere
- Common Redpolls - Large flocks located along county road 29, just 
north of county road 133 (3/17) and along Stone Lake Road (3/20)

I got back Monday night, went to sleep, and woke up early to go birding 

----Black Dog Lake (Dakota Cty)----
No Gyrfalcon today
Great Blue Heron (1) - Along the water near the bridge just east of 35W
Red-winged Blackbirds - singing their hearts out
Peregrine Falcon - sitting on the railing near the nest box
Bald Eagles (2) Immatures practicing fishing



-----Lake Byllesby  (everything seen on western side of lake - by the 
bridge and in the fields)------
Greater White-fronted Geese (4) mixed in with hundreds of Canada Geese
Sandhill Cranes (11)
Red-winged Blackbirds (100+)
Lesser Scaup (1)
Eastern Bluebird (2)
Robins (30+)
Cedar Waxwing (1)
Horned Larks (150+ but only in groups of 1-3)
Common Grackle (3)
Bald Eagle
Rough-legged Hawks
Mergansers and Goldeneyes

-----Along the Mississippi River------
Bald Eagles (21 at Colvill Park, 19 in Wabasha County)
Sandhill Cranes (2) Houston County, just south of Reno along hwy 26
Robins (50+) About 30 in a field and trees just north of Reno
Red-winged Blackbirds (800+) 2 flocks with at least 300-400 birds each 
seen near Reno.
Mallards, Megansers and Goldeneyes everywhere
Lots of swans, but they were too far away to ID with binoculars

Spring has sprung,

Derek Bakken
St. Paul, MN