[mou] Wilkin Co Northern Goshawk

patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu
Thu, 23 Mar 2006 18:54:57 -0600 (CST)

Hello all,

I dashed down to Rothsay WMA for some late afternoon birding and was
rewarded with an adult northern goshawk.  This was in the exact same
location that I saw the prairie falcon last Sunday (1/2 mile north of the
junction of CR15 and CR176).  The goshawk flew low in front of me and I
followed it until it perched in a cottonwood tree to the west of me.  The
light was bad and I wasn't positive of my ID until I drove around to the
south of the bird and was able to view it through my scope in better
light.  The white superciliary lines were visible even from about 1/4 mile

Other birds seen today at Rothsay WMA:
Snow bunting, including one perched on a powerline
27 red-winged blackbirds
4 rusty blackbirds

More northern harriers today than last weekend and still plenty of
rough-legged hawks.

Good Birding!


Patrick Beauzay
Department of Entomology
217 Hultz Hall, Bolley Drive
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105
