Fwd: Re: [mou] paying to use state wildlife land

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Fri, 24 Mar 2006 14:24:27 -0800 (PST)

Fellow birders,

I think that there are enough opportunities for
birders to be involved with land acquisition and
conservation for birds.  I'm sure many of the
subscribers of this list are members of the Nature
Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, Audubon
Society, etc...  Some of these organizations buy and
manage land for wildlife including birds.  Others are
more focused on education and legislation.  Many of us
probably buy duck stamps annually (heck, some of us
may even shoot birds).

It is one thing to say "Everyone should support
conservation efforts for birds."  It is quite another
to say "Everyone must support conservation efforts for
birds..or will be fined."  I, for one, would prefer to
remain free to make that decision for myself.  I will
continue to promote bird conservation through my
membership in conservation-minded organizations,
regular use of state and national parks, and through
private donations.  
I hope the rest of you find some means to supporting
bird conservation in your own little way.  

Chad Heins

P.S.  Politics seems like a dangerous topic for this

--- Jim Williams <two-jays@att.net> wrote:

> CC: MOU net <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>,
> 	Paul J.Baicich <paul.baicich@verizon.net>
> From: Jim Williams <two-jays@att.net>
> Subject: Re: [mou] paying to use state wildlife land
> To: wampy@att.net
> Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 21:14:33 -0600
> On Mar 23, 2006, at 8:39 PM, Bernard P. Friel
> (wampy@att.net) wrote: 
> Isn't that what taxes are supposed to provide for,
> and wouldn't this 
> just be another fee so that  the "no new taxes
> pledge" can be kept ?
> Well, taxes obviously do not do the job. Politicians
> do not do the job. 
> That does not mean the need should be ignored.
> Hunters have been paying the bills via duck stamps,
> various state 
> hunting stamps, licenses, and taxes on guns and
> ammunition for years. 
> Birders enjoy the land secured by that money. What
> gives us the right 
> to stand back and say, not me? A duck stamp costs
> $15. The Colorado 
> land-use fee is $10. The pleasure we get from
> birding: not worth the 
> cost of a bag or two of bird seed? We can pay
> hundreds of dollars for 
> optics and $25 for a bird ID book but we can't
> contribute to fund 
> habitat?
> Jim Williams
> Wayzata
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