[mou] Red Wing and Lake City - Eagles and Tundra Swans

Jamie Strickland jamiestrickland@comcast.net
Sat, 25 Mar 2006 22:49:51 -0600

It was an awesome day, Jenn. To see that many Eagles all together at one
time and one place was stunning. I captured some pretty good shots if =
is interested: http://www.freethestricklands.com/mousite/LakeCity1/

There were 3 Eagles in a tree at the entrance to a residential area off =
Pepin. They were very cooperative and allowed us to get fairly close to =
these pictures.=20


-----Original Message-----
From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu] On =
Of Jenn
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:05 PM
To: =09
Subject: [mou] Red Wing and Lake City - Eagles and Tundra Swans

Had a very exciting morning birding from Red Wing down
to Lake City. Saw maybe a dozen eagles at the city
park in Red Wing, then drove down to Lake City, where
over 100 eagles were sitting on ice along the river,
in addition to dozens in trees along Hwy 61. We
probably saw 150-200 eagles total today.

The icing on the cake was seeing a huge flock of 100+
tundra swans fly overhead while we were in Red Wing.

Jenn Reed

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