[mou] A Tale of Two Shrikes (long)

John Hockema jhockema@hotmail.com
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 03:27:42 -0600


Greetings All:

As much as I have enjoyed the numerous posts surrounding user fees and such, 
I thought I might tell you all a story about a tale of two shrikes seen 
yesterday (Sunday) in Wabasha County.  Brother Chris and I birded our way 
from Rochester to Whitewater WMA, south to Weaver Bottoms and Minnieska, 
then north to Weaver Dunes/McCarthy Lake area, Wabasha, Read's Landing, Lake 
City, Frontenac (Old and New), topped off by a stop at SUBWAY and a stroll 
around Hok-si-la Park.

It was Chris's keen instincts (sense of smell) that took us to the Weaver 
Dunes in Wabasha County.  Suddenly, we were at the bridge and we 
simultaneously heard a chip that turned out to be our first SWAMP SPARROW of 
the season.  We were charged and pressed forward.  We slowly drove the road 
looking for a record-early lark sparrow when Chris pointed me toward a bird, 
seen in poor light, that I initially thought was a bluebird.  It was that 
small.  Upon further investigation, we studied a bird that had a small, 
stubby bill, darker gray back, heavy mask encompassing the eye, lack of a 
prominent hook, and noticeably smaller frame.  Guess what?  A pretty early 

Charged had now turned to pumped (!) and we situated ourselves in Chris's 
car (he drives on weekends) to press on, when Chris said, "I see another 
shrike on the other side of the road."  Expecting another loggerhead (note: 
a pair of loggerhead shrikes atleast attempted to nest in this exact 
location last Spring), we were both very surprised to see a much larger, 
thinner masked, larger billed/beaked, lighter gray backed, and hook at the 
end of the bill NORTHERN SHRIKE!

I'm not sure what follows "pumped", probably a combination of ecstatic and 
dumbfounded, but we spent another 1/2 hour looking for either shrike to ease 
our disbelief (o.k. my disbelief) but could not find either species.  We 
were so happy.  A wonderful brother moment.  Both shrike species in the same 
county on the same day within 500 feet from one another.  Listing supplement 
material, baby!!!!

I really love birding.  And, I really love birding with my brother, Chris!  
To ensure many more of those moments in the future, I would be happy to pay 
for a hundred duck stamps, user fees, or whatever it takes so that future 
generations (my kids, me with kids!?) will be able to enjoy what I was able 
to share with my brother, Chris, on this beautiful day, the 26 of March 

Good Birding!

John Hockema
Rochester, MN