[mou] Houston Co. Sightings, Sat. March 25

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 06:35:48 -0800 (PST)

This is an incomplete & unofficial tally of birds seen
with Kim Eckert's Birding weekend in Houston Co.

Am. White Pelican---Lawrence L.
Turkey Vulture

15 species of waterfowl including
Tundra Swan (Lawrence L.)
Redhead D.
Red-brsted. Merg.
Ruddy D.

Bald Eagles--dozens, plus nesting
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Peregrine Falcon---2---nestbox, Great Spirit Bluff, 
Dresbach. View from platform (scope) or parking lot at
Lock 7. Second bluff north. Or walk south from
Dresbach on bike trail, or north from Lock 7 parking
lot. NOT safely viewed from I90.
Wild Turkey
Am. Coot
Sandhill Crane---3---Lawrence L.
Greater Yellowlegs---1---viewed from New Albin, IOWA
but in Minnesota at extreme north edge of Poole
Wilson's Snipe---2---- ditto
Lesser Black-b. Gull---1---Richmond Bay, LaCrosse, WIS
Great Horned Owl---adult on nest---Sheldon Tnshp., Co.
Rd. 10
Red-h. Woodpecker---1
Yell.-bell Sap.
Hairy, Downy, Flicker, Pileated
Tufted Titmouse
Brown Creeper
E. Bluebird

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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