[mou] Fwd: Interactive Mapping of Birding Clubs, and Hotspots across the US

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:34:13 -0600

Interesting. Hot-spot map being constructed; not available yet.
Jim Williams

Begin forwarded message:

From: geo@mapmuse.com
Date: March 27, 2006 9:40:17 AM CST
Subject: Interactive Mapping of Birding Clubs, and Hotspots across the 
Reply-To: geo@mapmuse.com

I am writing to let birding enthusiasts know that MapMuse.com  has 
added  nationwide maps of Birding Clubs, and Birding Hotspots to its 
services. The Birding Clubs map has over 250 clubs located already, but 
can be added to, and enhanced by visitors. The Birding Hotspots Map has 
just been added today at the request of a MapMuse visitor. We have not 
attempted to populate this map ourselves, but have provided the 
structure for birders to identify and add their favorite hotspots. 
Following are links to the pages for the birding topics:

Birding Clubs-

Birding Hotspots-

The idea is for birders to build upon what we have started by adding 
information about their clubs, and their favorite hotspots. Through 
this kind of community effort, we hope to have the most comprehensive, 
and descriptive maps for birders to use at home, and on their travels. 
Please note that descriptive information, as well as photos can be 
added directly to the profiles by our visitors. There is an ADD and 
EDIT feature on the site (you can refer to 
http://find.mapmuse.com/re1/mmFAQ.htm#A4  if you have questions about 
making changes).

If you find our maps useful, we would appreciate it if you would pass 
the word on to like-minded friends. And if you have a birding related 
website, a birding related blog or newsletter, a mention or a link 
would be greatly appreciated.


Cindy Jett
1326 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005