[mou] Bird feeder recommendations~

jamiestrickland@comcast.net jamiestrickland@comcast.net
Mon, 01 May 2006 15:27:24 +0000

I just had to throw away two bird feeders that were pretty old and falling apart. Several of the members here reference the various different birds visiting their feeders. Well, I too would like some variety in my backyard so I pose these 2 questions:
1) What type of feeders is best - hanging style with perches or common shed-style with long horizontal perch?
2) Mounting - from a shepherd's hook? hung from a tree branch? mounted atop a pole?

Feel free to respond to me directly as opposed to consuming MOU bandwidth to those not interested. I simply want to add a couple feeders to my backyard and do it in a way that minimizes squirrels (I have very mature trees) and attracts birds.

I guess a 3rd question should be addressed then too: if I get two feeders, what seed should I be using?

Sorry for such basic questions, but I want to see a nice variety of birds and this area is new to me.

Thanks in advance - Jamie in Eagan.

Jamie Strickland
My Birding: http://www.freethestricklands.com/MouSite