[mou] ST Flycatcher, WF Ibis

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Tue, 02 May 2006 11:53:43 -0500

This morning, I searched for the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher near Downer and 
found it after a bit of searching. Unlike Matt Mecklenburg and Bob O'Connor, 
I found it in the original location just north of Downer on Hwy. 9. This was 
at around 9:15, so after it had been a mile to the east it returned to its 
original location. So this bird is moving around a bit. I found the bird 
near the horse pasture along the fence line actively feeding. The long tail 
and rosy underwings were stunning.
Also of note this morning, I refound the White-faced Ibis in Otter Tail 
County at Copeland State WMA. Also here were Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, 
Wilson's Phalarope, Pectoral Sandpipers, Marbled Godwit and Long-billed 
Dowitcher. On CR 15, a few miles north of 110th St, there is a spot where 
the road is partially under water. There was a Willet here both times I 
passed by.

I also birded Felton Praire. I found the usual CC Longspurs, Marbled 
Godwits, and Loggerhead Shrike. I checked out rock pile 6006 amd 6002, but 
it was quiet. No sign of Rock Wren yet, and no signs of the Say's Phoebes 
either. Who knows whether either species will return. I'll continue to check 
as the spring progresses.

Ben Fritchman