[mou] Cattle Egret, Anoka Cty

Tom tomanelson@mac.com
Tue, 2 May 2006 13:16:55 -0500

Around 6am this morning (5/2/06), I saw a Cattle Egret standing near 
the south end of Pool 10 at Carlos Avery in Anoka County.  After I 
scoped the bird for a few minutes, it flew off far to the southwest.

Other Carlos Avery birds included:
Yellow-rumped, Palm, Pine, Yellow, and Black-and-white Warblers
Le Conte's Sparrow
House, Sedge and Marsh Wrens
Both Yellowlegs

Birds at Cedar Creek Natural History Area (northwest of Carlos Avery) 
Red-headed Woodpecker (many)
Lark Sparrow (many)
Grasshopper Sparrow
Green Heron
Eastern Towhee

Tom Nelson
Ramsey County