[mou] Fillmore/Houston Co.

warbler 1231 birdmandan1231@hotmail.com
Sun, 07 May 2006 18:17:56 -0500

I decided to tag along with a fellow from town heading to an exotic animal 
swap meet in Rushford in northeastern Fillmore county this morning, so I 
could work on a Minnesota list.

At the swap meet location, 2 miles north of Rushford, I heard/observed 57 
species. Some highlights included 5 woodpeckers, Least Flycatcher, Great 
Crested Flycatcher, 5 swallows (no Bank), House Wren, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 
BG Gnatcatcher, Wood Thrush, 10 warblers (Tennessee, Orange-crowned, 
Nashville, Parula, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Palm, Redstart, Northern 
Waterthrush, and Common Yellowthroat), and Baltimore Oriole.

Of other interest, 2 Eurasian Collared-Doves were perched on a fence 1 mile 
north of Caledonia along Highway 76.

Also of interest, a late (?) Rough-legged Hawk was not willing to share a 
thermal with a Red-tailed Hawk at the intersection of Highways 44 and 76, 
south of Caledonia. Had prolonged views of the Rough-leg for several minutes 
as it thermaled up and floated to the west.

Good birding,

Danny Akers
Garnavillo, Clayton Co., Iowa

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