[mou] E. Towhee, S. Mpls

Jim Ryan muchmoredoc@gmail.com
Sun, 7 May 2006 20:23:01 -0500

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On tonight's walk to Minnehaha falls, we heard and then spotted an Eastern
Towhee.  It was repeatedly reminding us to "drink your tea-e-e-e).

I thought I saw one earlier in the day at Lebanon Hills Park but it was jus=
a flash in the underbrush. The one tonight was unmistakeable and it caught
me off guard about 30' up in a spruce tree in an urban backyard!

Good finds at this morning Lebanon(Holland Lake);

Broad-winged Hawk
Baltimore Oriole
Barn Swallow
Black & White Warbler

These were all first of year birds for me.


James F. Ryan, D.C.,  Agel distributor
Start Building Your Own Business Today!
With Products to Make You Feel Great, a Strong Support Team with Proven
Leaders, and a Revolutionary New, Lucrative Compensation Plan!


877-694-2226 ext. 754
651-308-0234 cell

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On tonight's walk to Minnehaha falls, we heard and then spotted an Eastern =
Towhee.  It was repeatedly reminding us to "drink your tea-e-e-e)=
.<br><br>I thought I saw one earlier in the day at Lebanon Hills Park but i=
t was just a flash in the underbrush. The one tonight was unmistakeable and=
 it caught me off guard about 30' up in a spruce tree in an urban backyard!
<br clear=3D"all"><br>Good finds at this morning Lebanon(Holland Lake);<br>=
<br>Broad-winged Hawk<br>Baltimore Oriole<br>Barn Swallow<br>Black &amp; Wh=
ite Warbler<br><br>These were all first of year birds for me.<br><br>-- <br=
Sincerely,<br><br>James F. Ryan, D.C.,&nbsp;&nbsp;Agel distributor<br>Start=
 Building Your Own Business Today!<br>With Products to Make You Feel Great,=
 a Strong Support Team with Proven Leaders, and a Revolutionary New, Lucrat=
ive Compensation Plan!
<br><br><a href=3D"http://agelnow.com/">http://agelnow.com/</a><br><br><a h=
226 ext. 754<br>651-308-0234 cell
