[mou] Mockingbird, Henslow's; Wabasha County

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Mon, 08 May 2006 02:13:21 +0000

Craig Reiser and I cruised through Weaver Dunes Sun. evening and lucked into 
a Northern Mockingbird along CR 84, which is a horseshoe to Hwy 61.  The 
bird was across CR 84 from fire# 61096 in some sparse junipers in a private 
pasture.  Also, for at least the second year in a row, Henslow's Sparrows 
were heard and seen from the Nature Conservancy parking lot, found at the 
end of Minneiska Twp Rd 141, which heads east from 84.  Lark and Grasshopper 
Sparrows were common.  After a couple attempts, I have not been able to 
relocate the Loggerhead Shrike reported earlier.  I also have yet to 
hear/see Bell's Vireo at it's traditional thicket, but it may be early yet.

Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN