[mou] Fwd: [BIRDCHAT] North American Bird Blogs

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Mon, 8 May 2006 08:40:48 -0500

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Trapp <birdsetcetera@YAHOO.COM>
Date: May 8, 2006 7:45:32 AM CDT
Subject: [BIRDCHAT] North American Bird Blogs
Reply-To: John Trapp <birdsetcetera@YAHOO.COM>

I started my blog, Birds Etcetera, in February 2002
with a focus on "wild birds and other natural history
topics of interest, with special (but not exclusive)
reference to West Virginia and surrounding States."
For the next several years I searched in vain for
other bird blogs.  I could locate blogs on numerous
other topics, but few if any on birds.  Even
environmental blogs were hard to find.  What a
difference four years makes!  There is now a far-flung
and substantial community of bird bloggers.  In the
last month, I have made a concerted effort to locate
as many North American bird blogs as possible, a task
made easier by the advent of Google=92s Blog Search and
other search engines.  At last count, I have tabulated
90 blogs currently active (i.e., at least one entry
posted in 2006) that feature North American birds.
Some of these blogs deal exclusively with birds, while
others are nature or science blogs that include a
substantial number of posts on birds.  To view the
entire list, click on Birds Etcetera at the link in
the signature line below and scroll down the
right-hand column.  If you have a bird blog that I
have not listed, or are aware of other bird blogs that
I have missed, please let me know, as I am interested
in compiling a comprehensive list.

John L. Trapp
Martinsburg, WV
Birds Etcetera (aka Bird Stuff)
Email: birdsetcetera AT yahoo.com