[mou] migration maps?

Jeff & Amy Drake jadrake@arvig.net
Mon, 08 May 2006 09:39:08 -0500

Is anyone aware of current maps (national or state-wide) that indicate
what birds have been seen, when, and where?  

I'm thinking of something that has compiled the current sightings
(perhaps mapped by species?) reported in forums like this list.  That
way those of us who haven't kept records for years or people who are new
to an area might know when to expect certain birds or have a better idea
of where to search for them each week during the year (or at least
during migration).  
I envision a state map showing counties with an advancing line showing
the wave of birds.  You would have to extrapolate the line from each
report - the more reports the more accurate the line.  It looks cool in
my head but I haven't the technical know-how to create such a map.  It
wouldn't be animated but it would show the current progression of
species not just the flyways like the maps at

Please let me know if you've run across such a thing - or create one.
