[mou] Catbird arrival

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Mon, 08 May 2006 18:42:38 -0500

The rascally Catbird has made its presence known in my yard and is 
inhaling grape jelly from my feeders.  Must have been a long flight.  
Spent time at Carlos Avery but was shocked to find I had left my new 
binoculars at home.  What is that all about?!?  All I had was my scope 
so I drove between the ponds and scoured every inch of Pond 4 in search 
of the evasive White Faced Ibis documented for this area.  No luck but 
did see a few old friends - Blue and Green Winged Teals, Turkeys, Ring 
Necks, Coots, and an abundance of little warbler appearing birds that 
are impossible to pin down with a scope.

Anyone have any recommendations for glove-box binoculars? My pair has 
broken its focus knob and is useless.  I am thinking about $100 for an 
emergency back up pair.  Hopefully more than just 25's.  I gave my good 
pair away to a kid who was thrilled with his first Magnolia warbler last 
year.  Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park