[mou] N. Mockingbird at Park Point

Molly Thompson thompm65@hotmail.com
Wed, 10 May 2006 14:36:56 -0400

I just found out that N. Mockingbirds are not that common around Duluth and 
was asked to mention where I saw it.
It was along the nature trail right before the little boardwalk to the left 
that comes off the end of the paved part of the trail (heading south).  At 
least I think that's where it was.  I was busy watching a bunch of warblers 
in some bushes along the dunes and happened to see it fly out and onto the 
airport fence.  It then flew back across the path in front of me and into 
the bushes.

Interstingly, Mockingbirds used to be a rare find in Syracuse until about 5 
years ago.  Now they are a regular find.

Molly Thompson
Duluth, MN