[mou] Veery in Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Thu, 11 May 2006 11:49:58 -0500

This morning we had the first brown thrush we've seen - a Veery - hooray!
I guess we will have to go back in the forest to see Hermit thrush this
spring.  Also in the area this morning - dozens more White-throated
sparrows, 1 Harris's sparrow (maybe the same one from yesterday),  a lone
Yellow-rumped W. and the usual gang of Chipping sparrows, which I thought
might have left, but then the 50 or so swirled in.  Of course, they could be
another 50 more coming through.  The Bobolink seems to have left us, as well
as the gang of Redwings and Grackles, and thank goodness most of the
Cowbirds.  Also more Blue Jays moving through.  The chilly north wind seems
to be veering northeast (where else!) so we may not have many new birds for
a few days.   (we love it here, despite the 'spring' weather)

Carol & Jim Tveekrem