[mou] Clay Co - Snowy Owl

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sun, 14 May 2006 21:38:49 -0500

Refound the longspur road Snowy Owl this AM.  Doug Johnson found it first
west of the road in the area of the three power mills.  Later on we found it
under the closest power mill to the road on the east side of the road.  From
there it flew over our car and down to the irrigation unit and landed on
its' northern most point.  Shortly thereafter it flew to the wooded fence
posts.  Interesting enough is that we were unable to find this bird
yesterday AM when we were there.  It must move around a lot but I would bet
that it is eating a lot of pocket gophers and mice. That area is full of

Looked for and did not find any sign of a Say's Phoebe or a Rock Wren.

Dennis and Barbara Martin