[mou] Eurasian Wigeon in Beltrami Co.

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Wed, 17 May 2006 19:33:42 EDT

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While birding with Bob Janssen, I found a Eurasian Wigeon in Beltrami  County 
at 10:00 am this morning.
The bird was found on the rice paddies located about 7 - 8 miles NE of  
Waskish.  They are located on Rice Paddy Rd, off of Beltrami County  40.  Beltrami 
Co. 112 runs from Waskish to Co. 40.  These rice paddies  are private 
property, but the owner is birder friendly.
The bird was located in the second pond on the right as you drive to the  
south.  It was about 300 - 350 yards away so a scope is a must.
Jerry Bonkoski
Scott Co. MN

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<DIV>While birding with Bob Janssen, I found a Eurasian Wigeon in Beltrami=20
County at 10:00 am this morning.</DIV>
<DIV>The bird was found on the rice paddies located about 7 - 8 miles NE of=20
Waskish.&nbsp; They are located on Rice Paddy Rd, off of Beltrami County=20
40.&nbsp; Beltrami Co. 112 runs from Waskish to Co. 40.&nbsp; These rice pad=
are private property, but the owner is birder friendly.</DIV>
<DIV>The bird was located in the second pond on the right as you drive to th=
south.&nbsp; It was about 300 - 350 yards away so a scope is a must.</DIV>
<DIV>Jerry Bonkoski</DIV>
<DIV>Scott Co. MN</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
