[mou] Youth Birding

BobHoltz1933@aol.com BobHoltz1933@aol.com
Thu, 18 May 2006 16:56:15 EDT

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All youth between 12 and 16 are invited to attend a field trip in the 
Nickerson Bog area of Pine County with Mark Alt on 6/3 from 8:00-11:00. Mark asks 
that you meet at the General Store in the small village of Duquette on # 23. This 
will be wilderness hiking and birding, so dress appropriately. Adult 
chaperones are needed for all youth. Call Mark at 763-533-4914 to let him know you 
will be coming or with questions.

Bob Holtz

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<DIV>All youth between 12 and 16 are invited to attend a field trip in the N=
ickerson Bog area of Pine County with Mark Alt on 6/3 from 8:00-11:00. Mark=20=
asks that you meet at the General Store in the small village of Duquette on=20=
# 23. This will be wilderness hiking and birding, so dress appropriately. Ad=
ult chaperones are needed for all youth. Call Mark at 763-533-4914 to let hi=
m know you will be coming or with questions.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz</DIV></BODY></HTML>
