[mou] want to go?

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Sat, 20 May 2006 21:36:57 -0500

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You don't know me but I have to go to Hok-Si-La park in Lake City 
tomorrow to see the warblers.  I would like to go with someone.  If you 
are interested in going around 11:00 tomorrow, let me know by return 
email.   I will drive my little Honda Prelude.

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park

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You don't know me but I have to go to <font face="Arial" size="2"><span
 class="204581701-21052006">Hok-Si-La park in Lake City tomorrow to see
the warblers.&nbsp; I would like to go with someone.&nbsp; If you are interested
in going around 11:00 tomorrow, let me know by return email.&nbsp;&nbsp; I will
drive my little Honda Prelude.<br>
Thomas Maiello<br>
Spring Lake Park<br>
