[mou] Retraction-lark bunting

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Tue, 23 May 2006 13:16:51 -0500

I commend Larry for taking the time to record the bird, it gives us
evidence that we can review. If more people would take the time to do
this, it would ease the burden on the Records committee and the hotlines
compiler. Well done, Larry!

-----Original Message-----
From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu] On
Behalf Of Larry Sirvio
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:08 PM
To: MOU; mnbird@lists.mnbird.net
Subject: [mou] Retraction-lark bunting

Sorry folks -
Bob Dunlap has determined that the audio file of the bird I was calling
lark bunting was clearly an eastern towhee.

So here I sit with (bird) egg on my face :(
Another learning experience.
Actually, I've seen a few eastern towhees - even some this year. They
always easy to ID. Always saw the brown and they didn't look so black.
This bird was so black......

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