[mou] Frontenac at night

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Thu, 25 May 2006 09:38:14 -0500

Last night I got down to the Frontenac area to run my frog & toad route. 
The frogs and toads at most sites were nothing short of deafening!  I am 
sure I missed some species calling from further away as they were drowned 
out by the toads and Gray Treefrogs.

Did have two Whip-poor-wills calling on CR5.  I heard no rails or Marsh 
Wrens, although there were a couple of birds that called out that are not 
usually heard at night.  Did have one call that I did not have a clue.  I 
had a bird(?) calling that sounded like a kitten.  At times the quality of 
the call became more raspy.  Although one was calling consistently, it did 
get responses from a couple of other spots.  any ideas?

It was a perfect night to be out listening.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN