[mou] Odd sight

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Sat, 27 May 2006 07:49:29 -0500

Went back out to Rice Creek Trail Park in hopes of seeing the 
Prothonotary Warbler but no luck.  Did see what appeared to be a raptor 
nest to the left of the trail between the two bridges near where the 
warbler had been reported.  The nest is dark brown and obvious to see 
sitting some 40 feet up in the trees along the creek.  I could see the 
brown head of a bird on the nest and at first thought it to be a raptor, 
then the well camouflaged brown head moved and I thought perchance an 
owl.  Then the head turned again and became very narrow.  What was it?  
As I watched, a female Mallard raised it's body up from the nest in full 
view and apparently adjusted her clutch and settled back in.  Is this 
odd?  I have seen many Mallard nests and they have always been on the 
ground.  Anyone seen anything like this before?

Also, I have been noticing how birds drink water from the bird bath that 
sits 10 feet way from me outside my office.  Almost all of the birds 
come in fill their mouths and lift their heads to draw the water into 
their throats.  The one bird that doesn't is the Mourning Dove who laps 
away without ever raising its head.  I get to do a little research on 
this.  What would allow the dove to be able to drink like that and what 
would not allow other birds to be able to?  Any comments?

Just a thought early on a Memorial Day Saturday before the heat drives 
all the birds to cooler climes.  Have a great weekend.

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park