[mou] Mink in wood duck houses

Rick fholbrook@cableone.net
Tue, 30 May 2006 21:52:15 -0500

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Mark Palas wrote:
> My father who lives in Pine county,  told me that he saw a mink climb 
> a tree and enter one of his wood duck
> boxes this week.    He said the mink was in the box for about 5 
> minutes before exiting.  The mink returned a few
> hours later and reentered.  Our assumption,  was that the mink had 
> killed the female,  and was feeding on her or her
> eggs.  Our plan is to install guards for next years birds.  I'd be 
> interested in hearing anyones comments on keeping
> mink out of wood duck houses.
> Mark Palas
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You might try wrapping "Crazy Carpet" around the tree.  It is the 
plastic snow rider that kids use--can be found in toy stores.
I found this information on the web.  The information was compiled from 
the " Nest Box Guide for  Waterfowl" by Ducks Unlimited.


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