[mou] Hooded Warbler/Willow Flycatcher

chetmeyers@visi.com chetmeyers@visi.com
Tue, 30 May 2006 23:02:14 -0500

Chet Meyers writes:
This morning (May 30) my godson Will and I found two hooded warblers singing on
territory in Murphy Hanrehan Park.  One was at the traditional location where
the three posted "non-entry" signs are. The other was about two hundred yards
in on the loop the other side of the road from the horse-trailer parking lot. 
Also heard were two Acadian flycatchers. And three ceruleans on territory on
the loop beginning at the main trailhead.
On our drive back to the cities we stopped at Black Dog Fen and found just two
willow flycatchers but no Bell's vireo YET. Gird up your loins if you venture
there.  The mosquitoes and FIERCE.
Chet Meyers - Hennepin County