[mou] Northern Cardinals in NE MN

Jeremy Ridlbauer sundew@boreal.org
Sat, 4 Nov 2006 16:10:24 -0600

I had a reliable report of a cardinal up at Gunflint Lodge, up the Gunflint
Trail in Cook County, last weekend Oct 28-29.

In the last few years, we've had over wintering cardinals in Grand Marais
proper, as we've counted a couple on our Christmas Counts.  They've been
heard in the summer singing as well in the last few years.

Jeremy Ridlbauer
Grand Marais, MN

-----Original Message-----
From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu] On Behalf
Of btefft@frontiernet.net
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:39 AM
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Subject: [mou] Northern Cardinals in NE MN

Over the past week there have been 4 cardinals sighted between 47.5  
and 48 degrees north latitude in northeastern Minnesota.  On Thursday,  
Steve Schon saw and reported a female northern cardinal at his bird  
feeder in Ely.  This morning Wayne Mickowski saw male and female  
northern cardinals at his bird feeder in Babbitt.  Besides those  
sightings in St. Louis County, a male cardinal was spotted last Sunday  
by Norma Malinowski and seen by several others along the Croftwille  
Road just north of Grand Marais in Cook County.

Who knows where they will pop up next.

Bill Tefft

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