[mou] Bohemian Waxwing, Carver Co.

Bruce Fall bafall@umn.edu
Sat, 4 Nov 2006 18:38:00 -0600

There was an adult Bohemian Waxwing in a flock of 40 Cedar Waxwings  
today around noon at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (near  
Chanhassen), specifically at the winterberry plantings near the  
willow/hydrangea/winterberry parking area, 1.3 miles from the start  
of 3-Mile Drive. For over an hour waxwings, including the Bohemian at  
least 5 times,  flew nearly continuously in small groups from the  
willows across the road to the winterberry bushes, where they gorged  
on the bright red berries, then flew back west. Although the waxwings  
weren't present later in the afternoon (2:30), the bushes are still  
loaded with berries so perhaps the flock will return.

Bruce A. Fall