[mou] Grosbeaks and waterfowl

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:42:24 -0600

November is starting with mild weather.

Although there has been ice developing on the shorelines of lakes, there
are still good numbers of mallards, goldeneyes and hooded mergansers and
even a couple of black ducks on the Ely Area lakes.  Snow buntings and
American robins still common around the area.  Little sign of sparrows
since last week.  Evening grosbeaks are seen throughout the year at the
Blue Heron B & B, but they have been joined this week by pine grosbeaks
at the feeders.  Pine grosbeaks are feeding on the bright red crab
apples and visiting local bird feeders.  Pine siskins and American
goldfinches and common redpolls are also showing up at feeders but in
small numbers.

Yesterday, the ravens came to watch and comment on the football game
between the Vermilion Ironmen and the Minnesota West Bluejays.  A
meadowlark (maybe a stow-away that came from Worthington) flew past the
stands a couple of times.  The bluejays lost out in Raven Country.

Bill Tefft
Parks and Recreation Instructor
Vermilion Community College
1900 E. Camp Street
Ely, MN  55731
Phone: 218-365-7241
Fax: 218-365-7207