[mou] Pileated WP in S. Minneapolis

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Sun, 5 Nov 2006 16:40:28 -0800 (PST)

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I know that pileateds aren't rare, but in the urban environment it's really special to see one.  I saw a pileated fly up onto the side of a cottonwood tree bordering Minnehaha Creek at 15th Avenue S. in Minneapolis this afternoon about 1:45 p.m.
  Good birding to all...
  Rob Daves, Minneapolis

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<div>I know that pileateds aren't rare, but in the urban environment it's really special to see one.&nbsp; I saw a pileated fly up onto the side of a cottonwood tree bordering Minnehaha Creek at 15th Avenue S. in Minneapolis this afternoon about 1:45 p.m.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Good birding to all...</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Rob Daves, Minneapolis</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div><p>&#32;

<hr size=1>Want to start your own business? Learn how on <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=41244/*http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/r-index"> Yahoo! Small Business.</a> 
