[mou] Krider's Red-tailed Hawk

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sun, 12 Nov 2006 21:51:53 -0600

A juvenile or subadult Krider's Red-tailed Hawk has spent at least the last
two days and we understand a few earlier days at the Black Dog Road exit off
of 35W.  It was easiest and safest to see from either the north bound or
south bound entrance ramps, depending on which side of the road it was on.
We saw it on both sides at different times.

This bird is probably the purest Krider's that we have ever seen.  Its' tail
is predominately white with thin black bands.  The head as well as most of
the underparts are white.  The back is speckled black and white with very
little brown on the bird.  We think it is most likely a subadult and not a
juvenile because of the lack of brown and since it still has the thinly
banded tail.

Although there is a lot of white on this bird there is no true albinism that
we were able to see.  It compares very favorably with the photos in Brian
Wheelers "Raptors of  Western North America".  We suspect that this bird
will not stay here long, even though it appears to be successful in hunting,
as most Krider's winter south of Missouri and Kansas in east Texas and

Be very careful looking at this bird.  This highway as you all well know is
very busy.  We would not stop on the highway to look at this bird at all,
but would only use the much slower moving on ramps.

Also seen today was a subadult Golden Eagle migrating past Lake Byllesby
into Goodhue County.  Lots of Bald Eagles, both adults and juvs, were
migrating everywhere.  The Black Scoter was still present on Byllesby today
as well at two additional Black Scoters were on east Black Dog Lake

Dennis and Barbara Martin