[mou] Migrating Sandhill Cranes and 23 Rough-legged Hawks, Carlos Avery

Erika Sitz esitz@goldengate.net
Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:05:00 -0600

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>From noon to 12:50pm we watched four separate groups of Sandhill Cranes fly
over the north side of Carlos Avery, first one, at least 250, over at the
gated road between Pools 1 and 3, the second, 500-600, over about at the
road east of Pool 5 , the other two, 75-100 each, east of there.  Those
numbers are conservative estimates - they were hard to count because they
kept breaking up into skeins of 30 to 50 then reforming.  They were all
moving in a NW to SE direction and all circling repeatedly, using thermals,
until they flew out of sight.  All were very noisy.

We also saw a total of 23 Rough-legged Hawks, all light morphs (again a
conservative count to avoid duplicates).  Six were at the same gated area as
the first Sandhills, two of these interacted several times.  Two more on the
north road, one perched and eating.  Then five in the Pool 8/6 area, two
perched, and one each by Pool 9 and Pool 10.  Except where noted all were
hunting, soaring and hovering, and put on a grand show.  After a lunch break
in Forest Lake, from about 3pm onward we drove the unit south of Broadway
and saw eight more scattered along the drive.  All of these were perched in
trees and flew only to shift position.

Erika Sitz, Ramsey, north Anoka County

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<P>From noon to 12:50pm we watched four separate groups of Sandhill =
Cranes fly=20
over the north side of Carlos Avery, first one, at least 250, over at =
gated road between Pools 1 and 3,&nbsp;the second, 500-600, over about =
at the=20
road east of Pool 5&nbsp;, the other two,&nbsp;75-100 each, east of =
Those numbers are conservative estimates - they were hard to count =
because they=20
kept breaking up into&nbsp;skeins of 30 to 50 then reforming.&nbsp; They =
all moving in a NW to SE direction and all circling repeatedly, using=20
thermals,&nbsp;until they&nbsp;flew out of sight.&nbsp; All were very=20
noisy.&nbsp; </P>
<P>We also saw a total of 23 Rough-legged Hawks, all light =
morphs&nbsp;(again a=20
conservative count to avoid duplicates).&nbsp; Six were at the same =
gated area=20
as the first Sandhills, two of these interacted several times.&nbsp; Two =
more on=20
the north road, one perched and eating.&nbsp; Then five in the Pool 8/6 =
two perched, and one each by Pool 9 and Pool 10.&nbsp; Except where =
noted all=20
were hunting, soaring and hovering, and put on a grand show.&nbsp; After =
a lunch=20
break in Forest Lake, from about 3pm onward we drove the unit south of =
and saw eight more scattered along the drive.&nbsp; All of these were =
perched in=20
trees and flew only to shift position.&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>
<P>Erika Sitz, Ramsey, north Anoka County</P></BODY></HTML>
