[mou] Carlos Avery Weekend

Jason Bolish jbolish@vikingmagazine.com
Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:59:48 -0600

I also spent some time in Carlos Avery, Sunday Morning.

**15 Rough Legged Hawks.  3 outside of refuge & 1 dark morph in a pine =
tree on the road that goes by Little Coon Lake.  So awesome to see these =
birds soaring & hovering in Anoka County!
**5 Northern Harriers - all juveniles
**4 Bald Eagles - including one curious 3rd year individual
**1 Red Tailed Hawk
** (at least) 1 Townsend's Solitaire - I saw 2 gray birds in different =
parts of the refuge that kept their distance, the 2nd flew up in the =
tree & was flying away as I took a picture - the pic showed the distinct =
bright white underwing stripes of the Solitaire.  This was not far from =
the DM RL hawk, close to Little Coon Lake.

Here are some pics of Raptors from Sunday including the Dark Morph RL & =
3rd year Eagle.  Also, pics of a bird I couldn't identify, thought it =
most similar to a Female Red Winged Blackbird in size & color patterns,  =
but it's a bit too late for one of those.  It was pretty tame, and =
constantly flicked it's tail.  I'd appreciate any help on that ID!

shot.com/images/cabeaglejuv9111906.jpg> =
<http://www.bolioshot.com/images/cabeaglejuv6111906.jpg> =
<http://www.bolioshot.com/images/carlhawk6111906.jpg> =
<http://www.bolioshot.com/images/carlhawk7111906.jpg> =
<http://www.bolioshot.com/images/carlhawk8111906.jpg> =

Jason Bolish
Information Systems
Viking Magazine Service Inc
(952)885-0922 ext 4137