[mou] around the Metro

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 01:51:04 -0600

I took a car load of out of town relatives to Carlos Avery on Saturday.  We 
had some great looks at some of the thirteen Rough-legged Hawks we saw. 
Also found one or possibly two Northern Shrikes.  One of my group thought 
they spotted a Bluebird, but I suspect that they glimpsed the T. Solitaire 
by the cedar windbreaks.  We also found a group of seven Swans, which I 
believe included two immature Tundras along with five Trumpeters.  The 
highlight of trip was a bluebird house that was full of Deer Mice.

In the rain on Monday, I saw a Flicker outside my window.  At first I 
thought it was escaping the rain as it was tucked under the trunk of the 
maple tree.  Then I realized it was sitting under the tree to enjoy a 
shower, as it located itself to soaked up the rain that ran in a steady 
stream off the tree.  Later that day I found a Bald Eagle spreading its 
wings to dry Ahinga style on a high voltage tower along I-35 south of 

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN