[mou] Duluth update / possible Long-tailed Jaeger

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 1 Oct 2006 14:15:44 -0500

At least two jaegers (one light morph and one dark morph) have been 
seen off Park Point in Duluth since early this morning. Denny & Barb 
Martin also reported a juvenile Little Gull early this AM and again at 
about 2:00 PM from Lafayette Square/31st Street on Park Pont. As of 
1:30 PM when I departed, no one had seen an Arctic Tern or any of the 
unusual loons seen earlier in the week.
Denny just called to report a possible Long-tailed Jaeger chasing 
Bonaparte's Gulls along the beach between Lafayette Square and Canal 
Park. He said that its size was similar to or smaller than the 
Bonaparte's Gull with grayish-brown upperparts and clean white 
underparts. Its size was also compared to the dark morph jaeger that we 
had previously identified as a Parasitic based on size comparisons to 
Ring-billed Gulls, and the jaeger in question was much smaller than the 
dark-morph Parasitic.
Denny & Barb and others will try to get additional looks at the bird 
and post more information later today.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN