[mou] Ft. Snelling State Park - Sunday

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Mon, 2 Oct 2006 08:44:23 -0700 (PDT)

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Hi, everyone...

The highlight of a quick mid-day Sunday hike at Ft. Snelling State Park was the family of wild turkeys on Pike Island.  It also was the first time that I remember seeing more white-throated sparrows than chickadees.  Here's the list:

Location:     Fort Snelling State Park
Observation date:     10/1/06
Notes:      Pike Island.  Stunning day.  Sunny, light gusts, 70s.  
Hiking trail thru middle of the island; back on the Mississippi side.  Noon 
- 2 p.m. 2 deer, one garter snake.
Number of species:     16

Wood Duck     2
Mallard     8
Wild Turkey     8
Great Blue Heron     1
Turkey Vulture     1
Herring Gull     2
Rock Pigeon     10
Downy Woodpecker     1
Hairy Woodpecker     1
Northern Flicker     2
Blue Jay     1
Black-capped Chickadee     5
White-breasted Nuthatch     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler     2
White-throated Sparrow     30
Northern Cardinal     1

Also, being close to the airport we saw a lot of "gas hawks," 
which is what we learned to call airplanes last weekend at 
Hawk's Ridge.

Good birding to all...

Rob Daves, Minneapolis

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
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Hi, everyone...<br><br>The highlight of a quick mid-day Sunday hike at Ft. Snelling State Park was the family of wild turkeys on Pike Island.&nbsp; It also was the first time that I remember seeing more white-throated sparrows than chickadees.&nbsp; Here's the list:<br><br><pre><tt><tt>Location:     Fort Snelling State Park<br>Observation date:     10/1/06<br>Notes:      Pike Island.  Stunning day.  Sunny, light gusts, 70s.  <br>Hiking trail thru middle of the island; back on the Mississippi side.  Noon <br>- 2 p.m. 2 deer, one garter snake.<br>Number of species:     16<br><br>Wood Duck     2<br>Mallard     8<br>Wild Turkey     8<br>Great Blue Heron     1<br>Turkey Vulture     1<br>Herring Gull     2<br>Rock Pigeon     10<br>Downy Woodpecker     1<br>Hairy Woodpecker     1<br>Northern Flicker     2<br>Blue Jay     1<br>Black-capped Chickadee     5<br>White-breasted Nuthatch     1<br>Yellow-rumped Warbler     2<br>White-throated Sparrow     30<br>Northern Cardinal    
 1<br><br></tt></tt><span style="font-family: arial;">Also, being close to the airport we saw a lot of "gas hawks," </span><br style="font-family: arial;"><span style="font-family: arial;">which is what we learned to call airplanes last weekend at </span><br style="font-family: arial;"><span style="font-family: arial;">Hawk's Ridge.</span><br style="font-family: arial;"><br style="font-family: arial;"><span style="font-family: arial;">Good birding to all...</span><br style="font-family: arial;"><br style="font-family: arial;"><span style="font-family: arial;">Rob Daves, Minneapolis</span><br style="font-family: arial;"></pre><br><p>&#32;
		<hr size=1>Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman7/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=39666/*http://messenger.yahoo.com"> Great rates starting at 1¢/min.