[mou] hearing aid thank you!

william bronn william_1007@msn.com
Thu, 5 Oct 2006 05:38:11 -0500

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Sincere Thank You to all the birders who responded (some even several times
and over the phone) to my questions on hearing-aids for birders: Ron Green,
Larry Sirvio, Mark Citsay, Linda Felker, Michael and Melissa Block, Forest
and Kirsten Strnad, Carol Crust, Chuck and Mary Ann Kjos, Susan Arquette,
and Tony Maistrovich. I learned from EVERY comment. I have waited until now
so that I could give you the results of my experiments and thus return your
favor. I was so impressed by the results that Chuck and Mary Ann Kjos had
with a Phonak Micro Valeo Open Fit system that I had to try them first.
(Incidentally, the Micro Valeo is still available but being phased out for
the new EXTRA model.) My experiment was with the new EXTRA model with the
"open fit"; I really liked them but my audiologist and I just could not get
past a feed-back problem when we tried to get back the high frequency
(4,000-6,000 Hz) bird song range at a high enough volume for me to hear the
birds ( I tested them in the field and with bird tapes - not much singing in
the fall of course.) The cost was about $1900 each. My audiologist said I
still have pretty good hearing (for voice) even though I've been struggling
with hearing speech in group settings for many years; my upper frequencies
fall off pretty quickly though. I am now using a pair of Starkey Destiny
(BTE = behind the ear) with open fit hearing aids. These are, as Michael
Block, Ph.D, Audiologist, promised, outstanding! It is the exceptional
feed-back control. My audiologist and I will be tweeking the settings in the
spring, I'm sure, but I now get really enhanced volume without the
feed-back. They cost $2,000 each. I hope this information will be of use to
many of you, too.

Bill Bronn

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<p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
font-family:Arial'>Sincere Thank You to all the birders who responded =
even several times and over the phone) to my questions on hearing-aids =
birders: Ron Green, Larry Sirvio, Mark Citsay, Linda Felker, Michael and
Melissa Block, Forest and Kirsten Strnad, Carol Crust, Chuck and Mary =
Ann Kjos,
Susan Arquette, and Tony Maistrovich. I learned from EVERY comment. I =
waited until now so that I could give you the results of my experiments =
thus return your favor. I was so impressed by the results that Chuck and =
Ann Kjos had with a Phonak Micro Valeo Open Fit system that I had to try =
first. (Incidentally, the Micro Valeo is still available but being =
phased out
for the new EXTRA model.) My experiment was with the new EXTRA model =
with the &#8220;open
fit&#8221;; I really liked them but my audiologist and I just could not =
past a feed-back problem when we tried to get back the high frequency
(4,000-6,000 Hz) bird song range at a high enough volume for me to hear =
birds ( I tested them in the field and with bird tapes &#8211; not much =
in the fall of course.) The cost was about $1900 each. My audiologist =
said I
still have pretty good hearing (for voice) even though I&#8217;ve been
struggling with hearing speech in group settings for many years; my =
frequencies fall off pretty quickly though. I am now using a pair of =
Destiny (BTE =3D behind the ear) with open fit hearing aids. These are, =
Michael Block, Ph.D, Audiologist, promised, outstanding! It is the =
feed-back control. My audiologist and I will be tweeking the settings in =
spring, I&#8217;m sure, but I now get really enhanced volume without the
feed-back. They cost $2,000 each. I hope this information will be of use =
many of you, too.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>

<p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
font-family:Arial'>Bill Bronn<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>



