[mou] speaking of whooping cranes . . .

Gail Wieberdink wieber64@comcast.net
Thu, 5 Oct 2006 14:10:17 -0500

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We just returned from Necedah, WI, where this morning we had the thrill of
watching the 18 cranes take off on the first leg of their journey to
Florida.  The cranes were accompanied by 3 of the ultra-lite planes -- one
"trike" had 13 cranes, a second had 3, and the third the remaining 2.  We
have learned since we got back home that they only went 4 miles today but
got all but one crane there with the group.  One went back to the pens at
the refuge.  They went back with a trike and brought him to the others.
Needless to say, it is a long journey to Florida but they have now taken the
first step.  The web site has lots of photos and gives regular updates.  It
can be found at:


This is the third year we have made the journey in hopes of seeing the
departure, I guess the third time is the charm!

I have some photos if anyone is interested -- not close-ups, but some shots
of the birds with the ultra-lites.  It was right at sunrise so photos were a
challenge.  There was a large crowd on hand to watch, I have one photo of
part of the group.


Gail Wieberdink

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<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" =
size=3D2>We just=20
returned from Necedah, WI, where this morning we had the thrill of =
watching the=20
18 cranes take off on the first leg of their journey to Florida.&nbsp; =
cranes were accompanied by 3 of the ultra-lite planes -- one "trike" had =
cranes, a second had 3, and the third the remaining 2.&nbsp; We have =
since we got back home that they only went 4 miles today but got all but =
crane there with the group.&nbsp; One went back to the pens at the =
They went back with a trike and brought him to the others.&nbsp; =
Needless to=20
say, it is a long journey to Florida but they have now taken the first=20
step.&nbsp; The web site has lots of photos and gives regular =
updates.&nbsp; It=20
can be found at:</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" =
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" =
size=3D2>This is=20
the third&nbsp;year we have made the journey in hopes of seeing the =
departure, I=20
guess the third time is the charm!</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" =
size=3D2>I have=20
some photos if anyone is interested -- not close-ups, but some shots of =
birds with the ultra-lites.&nbsp; It was right at sunrise so photos were =
challenge.&nbsp; There was a large crowd on hand to watch, I have one =
photo of=20
part of the group.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006>
<DIV><EM><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Gail Wieberdink</FONT></EM></DIV>
<DIV><EM><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" =
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875415418-05102006><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"=20
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