[mou] Fall season backyard birding

A.J. Morales AJMORALES@rocketmail.com
Sun, 8 Oct 2006 20:54:41 -0700 (PDT)

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Sunday Oct 8th.=0AJuncos are starting to show up in small spurts. =0AMany Y=
ellow Rumped Warblers flitting through my 'left-over' garden area. =0AGot a=
 single Palm Warbler today @11:00ish AM=0AWhite Throated Sparrows are enjoy=
ing safflower seed randomly thrown around the garden area. =0AI have 2 of t=
he 3 interesting sightings captures with my digiscope 'rig': =0A1. Blach-th=
roated Blue Warbler female =0A2. A Brown Creeper (no image) visited very br=
iefly at approx 11:15AM. =0A3. A sparrow that doesn't fit the white throate=
d sparrow; perhaps a white crowned? =0A=0AImages available if interested.=
=0A=0AAJ =0AShakopee MN=0A=0A
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<html><head><style type=3D"text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=
ad><body><div style=3D"font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;=
font-size:12pt"><DIV>Sunday Oct 8th.</DIV>=0A<DIV>Juncos are starting to sh=
ow&nbsp;up&nbsp;in small spurts. </DIV>=0A<DIV>Many Yellow Rumped Warblers =
flitting through&nbsp;my 'left-over' garden area. </DIV>=0A<DIV>Got a singl=
e Palm Warbler today @11:00ish AM</DIV>=0A<DIV>White Throated Sparrows are =
enjoying safflower seed randomly thrown around the garden area. </DIV>=0A<D=
IV>I have 2 of the 3 interesting sightings captures with my&nbsp;digiscope =
'rig': </DIV>=0A<DIV>1. Blach-throated Blue Warbler female </DIV>=0A<DIV>2.=
 A Brown Creeper (no image) visited very briefly at approx 11:15AM. </DIV>=
=0A<DIV>3. A sparrow that doesn't fit the white throated sparrow; perhaps a=
 white crowned? </DIV>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>Images available if inter=
ested.</DIV>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>AJ </DIV>=0A<DIV>Shakopee MN </DIV>=