[mou] Houston Co. "regulars: 10 waterfowl sp., 5 sparrow sp., etc, (incl. Pool 8, Miss. R.)

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 9 Oct 2006 16:47:43 -0700 (PDT)

Am. White Pelican-------150 +/- 
Canada Goose
Wood D.-------------------2
Am. Wigeon---------------30
Am. Black D.--------------6
No. Shoveler--------------3
No. Pintail---------------2
Green-w. Teal------------10
Hooded Merg.--------------1
Bald Eagle----------------1A, 8 imm.
Wilson's Snipe------------8 Mound Prairie marsh
Pileated Woodpecker-------1
E. Bluebird---dozens on telephone lines
Hermit Thrush-------------2
Am. Robin----------------75+ 
Cedar Waxwing------------15
Yellow r. Wa.------------50+
Song Sp.------------------6
Lincoln's Sp.-------------1
Swamp Sp.-----------------2
White-thrtd. Sp.---------25+
White-crnd. Sp.-----------3
Dark-eyed Junco-----------3

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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