[mou] Towhee

audrey lynn alynneretired@yahoo.com
Sat, 14 Oct 2006 06:23:47 -0700 (PDT)

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We have a Spotted Towhee in Hoyt Lakes, St. Louis County. He was at my feeder just a few minutes ago and was also seen yesterday by Joel Evers near the Floe factory and Weld shop on Kensington.
  Audrey l. Evers

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<div>We have a Spotted Towhee in Hoyt Lakes, St. Louis County. He was at my feeder just a few minutes ago and was also seen yesterday by Joel Evers near the Floe factory and Weld shop on Kensington.</div>  <div>Audrey l. Evers</div><p>&#32;
		<hr size=1>Get your email and more, right on the <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=42973/*http://www.yahoo.com/preview"> new Yahoo.com</a> 
